Table Names

Instead of numbering our tables we want to name them after amusement park rides.  Both Colin and I are really big fans of roller coasters and we have Cedar Fair platinum passes so that we can visit Cedar Point and Canada's Wonderland as much as we like in the summer!

When we'd been dating for about 7 months, neither of us had said the L-word yet.  I was in love with him, but didn't have the guts.  He... was clueless.  And then we went away to Cedar Point for the weekend.  We had such a great time (he dragged me around the park for 3 days straight and I managed to keep up with him without complaint.  Apparently that had never happened before) that he realized how right for him I was and it FINALLY hit him that he was in love with me!  He told me pretty shortly after that.

So, table names.  This is one of those projects that will only get done if there's time and money left over after everything else.  But still, it's something we'd really like to make happen.
This is the first version of the table names...I'm thinking I can do better.